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International Virtual Seminar

KMV International Series
(Physics Chapter)
“Live Interaction and Lab Visit”
(10-05-2021 at 1:30 pm)
ZOOM Meeting ID: 281 695 4100 Passcode: 234314

Speaker Details
Alessia Cemmi
301, Via Anguillarese
00123 Rome (Italy)

In the first episode of KMV International series, the key speaker of the event was Dr. Alessia Cemmi, ENEA FSN-FISS-SNI, Italian National Agency for New Technologies Rome (Italy). Dr. Alessia Cemmi gave overview of her research laboratory ENEA, Italy. She described ENEA (Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development) as an Italian Government-sponsored research and development agency. In her presentation, Dr. Cemmi introduced Calliope gamma irradiation facility at ENEA, Casaccia R.C. and organised a virtual visit to 60-Cobalt irradiation plant, research laboratories.

She also showed Pool-type irradiation facility equipped with a 60Co gamma source in a high volume shielded cell. Further she introduced Calliope activities like Nuclear, Space and High Energy Physics qualifications; experimental researches. She also showed videos based on external view of laboratory, internal view of irradiation cell, control room and up-down source operation. She then presented Dosimetric and characterisation laboratory of 60Co Calliope facility at ENEA, Casaccia R.C. where Optical and Spectroscopic characterisation facility and Accelerated ageing test facility were showcased. Under the HortSpace project, she presented development of plant based platforms for use in space craft.

KMV International Series
(Physics Chapter)
Topic: Raman Spectroscopy
“Live Interaction and Lab Visit”
(17-05-2021 at 1:30 pm)
ZOOM Meeting ID: 281 695 4100 Passcode: 234314

Speaker Details:

Dr. Mauro Falconieri
ENEA, Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development, (Italy)

In the second episode of KMV International series, Dr. Mauro Falconieri from ENEA, Italian Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development (Italy) was invited as the key speaker. Dr. Falconieri presented the virtual tour of “Ultrafast Spectroscopy Laboratory” at ENEA, Italy. During his presentation he gave the overview of Molecular mechanism of Raman scattering, Raman spectroscopy instrumentation and their applications. He acknowledged the contribution of great Indian physicist Dr. C. V. Raman in the study of spectroscopy. Raman spectroscopy can provide both chemical and structural information, as well as the identification of substances through their characteristic Raman ‘fingerprint’. Raman spectroscopy extracts this information through the detection of Raman scattering from the sample, he said. Further Dr. Falconieri showed working of Multiple excitation wavelengths Raman spectrometer. The analysis of the Raman signal emitted by a sample, even of very small size, provides information on its chemical composition, he added. He further showed the electron microscope, NIR spectrophotometer and explained the difference between Raman spectroscopy and photoluminescence. His interaction made it easier for KMVites to understand fundamentals of spectroscopy.

KMV International Series
(Physics Chapter)
Topic: “The role of IAEA in the peaceful use of Nuclear Energy and radioactive Waste Management”
“Live Interaction and Lab Visit”
(24-05-2021 at 1:30 pm)
ZOOM Meeting ID: 281 695 4100 Passcode: 234314

Speakers Details:

Dr. Michael I. Ojovan
Department of Materials, Imperial College London, UK
In the third episode of KMV International series, Dr. Michael Ojovan, Professor, Department of Materials, Imperial College, London UK and former nuclear engineer at IAEA, was invited as the key speaker. The topic of Dr. Ojovan was the role of IAEA in the peaceful use of nuclear energy and radioactive waste materials. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is the world’s central intergovernmental forum for scientific and technical co-operation in the nuclear field. During his talk Dr.Ojovan discussed various aspects like sustainability, safety measurements and present status of nuclear reactors and nuclear waste. He presented a comprehensive overview of various aspects relating to the application of cogeneration with nuclear energy. He also shared a comprehensive data focusing on nuclear power plants worldwide. He further said that before selecting a waste processing strategy, it is essential to know and understand the waste source and rate of waste generation, as well as the amounts and characteristics of the waste. Later during interaction with students Dr. Ojowan answered queries of faculty as well as students. He shared his knowledge about radioactive materials and their disposal protocols.


KMV International Series
(Physics Chapter)
Topic: “Turning Nuclear Waste to Glass”
“Live Interaction and Lab Visit”
(31-05-2021 at 7:30 pm)
ZOOM Meeting ID: 281 695 4100 Passcode: 234314

Speakers Details:
Dr. Ashutosh Goel
Associate Professor in Materials Science and Engineering at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, USA

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