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  • Only College under GNDU to be bestowed with FIST & CURIE grant by DST- Govt. of India
  • Star College by DBT- Govt. of India
  • Designated College with Potential for Excellence
  • Accredited ‘A’ by UGC-NAAC
  • Recognised as a Center of Excellence by RASCI, Government of India
  • Best College in Punjab as per the Surveys
  • Kaushal Kendra by UGC, MHRD, Govt. of India and first College under GNDU to have been granted Kaushal Kendra
KMV’s Annual Athletic Meet Trailblazer-2025 is going to be held on 08-02-2025 (Saturday)      
Coming Soon Stay Tuned- KMV I.T. Euphoria( Inter college Competition)      
BBA/BCA Approved Under AICTE      
KMVites secure International Placement in USA      
KMVites will represent India in World Youth Festival in Russia       KMV ranked among top colleges of India for 4th time in a row       Achieved Top Rankings for Consecutive Fourth Time       KMV Students and Faculty Awarded Hungarian State Scholarships       Top Rankings of KMV by India Today Surveys
  • 238


  • 34

    IPR / Copyrights

  • 20

    Average h Index

  • 1730

    Total No. of WoS / Scopus

  • 238


  • 34

    IPR / Copyrights

  • 20

    Average h Index

  • 1730

    Total No. of WoS / Scopus


  • Vision

    Research productivity is of paramount importance for the reputation of any educational institution. KMV has recommended to its Faculty a number of guidelines to ensure that the conduct of a research is of high quality and of ethical standards. KMV expects its faculty members and students to comply with set policies diligently.

    Research Committee

    1. Prof. (Dr.) Atima Sharma Dwivedi Principal KMV, Chairperson Girl in a jacket
    2. Dr. Jatinder Pal Department of Economics (Dean Research) Girl in a jacket
  • A. Research Programme and Policy Development Responsibilities

    1. To develop comprehensive document on research policy
    2. To promote research among faculty and students
    3. To organize research promotion activities such as workshops, seminars and conferences

    Committee Members:

    1. Dr. Neetu Chopra Department of Physics (Incharge) Girl in a jacket
    2. Dr. Gopi Sharma Department of Physics Girl in a jacket
    3. Dr. Natasha Sharma Department of Mathematics Girl in a jacket
    4. Mrs. Tank Sinderpal Kabal singh Department of Chemistry Girl in a jacket
    5. Dr. Davinder Singh Department of Physical Education Girl in a jacket
  • B. Committee on Finance and Infrastructure


    1. To create a corpus for research and development from government, industry, and other funding agencies.
    2. To look into the possibilities of in-house funding.
    3. To setup Digital Library & Information, Quantitative Methods & Data Analysis, Analytical and Consultancy Services.

    Committee Members:

    1. Dr. Pardeep Arora Department of Computer Sci (Incharge) Girl in a jacket
    2. Dr.Rashmi Sharma Department of Commerce Girl in a jacket
    3. Dr. Harpreet Kaur Department of Faison Designing Girl in a jacket
    4. Dr. Ashish Raina Department of Hospitality and Tourism Girl in a jacket
    5. Mrs. Hema Khurana Library Girl in a jacket
  • C. Committee on Collaboration and Community

    1. To develop connection with already well established RDC
    2. To identify and develop collaborative research with other national and international institutions inter-disciplinary, trans-disciplinary, and multidisciplinary research.

    Committee Members:

    1. Dr. Archana Saini Department of Zoology (Incharge) Girl in a jacket
    2. Dr. Narinderjit Kaur Department of Chemistry Girl in a jacket
    3. Dr. Rupika Department of Hindi Girl in a jacket
    4. Dr. Gopi Sharma Department of Physics Girl in a jacket
    5. Dr. Pardeep Arora Department of Computer Sci. & IT Girl in a jacket
  • D. Committee for Product Development, Monitoring and Commercialization


    1. To assign various research activities to faculty and students
    2. To monitor and oversee research progress, coordinate program, manage and facilitate optimizing resources, timely review of research activities for completion of the projects as per schedule.
    3. To ensure that all the research labs in the institution fulfill the norms of Good Laboratory Practices (GLP) and Safety

    Committee Members:

    1. Dr. Ravi Khurana Department of Computer Sci. & IT (Incharge)
    2. Dr. Narinderjit Kaur Department of Chemistry
    3. Dr. Ekta Saini Department of Philosophy
    4. Dr. Simerjeet Department of Fashion Designing
    5. Mrs. Vibhuti Kalia Department of Textile Design & Apparel Technology


  • E. Committee for IPR, Legal & Ethical Matters


    1. To comply with ethical codes of research and publishing practices
    2. To procure and manage plagiarism check mechanism
    3. To sensitize the research community about dubious research, publishing practices and predatory journals.
    4. To sensitize and guide to the faculty and students to procure IPRs

    Committee Members:

    1. Dr. Harleen Singh Department of Physics (Incharge) Girl in a jacket
    2. Dr. Rashmi Sharma Department of Commerce Girl in a jacket
    3. Dr. Manmohan Singh Department of Physics Girl in a jacket
    4. Dr. Natasha Sharma Department of Mathematics Girl in a jacket
    4. Dr. Iqbal Singh Department of Political Science Girl in a jacket
  • Research Policy


    • To create an enabling environment within the KMV to foster a research culture.
    • To create, maintain and enhance infrastructure to enable conduct of state-of the-art research
    • To ensure adequate support to faculty, researchers and students in their research activities through internal and external funding.
    • To ensure publications in quality journals indexed in Scopus/Web of Science and/or with impact factor.
    • To encourage faculty to undertake interdisciplinary and socially useful research with potential for commercialization.
    • To establish Research Centres within the institutions and extend research consultancy to outsiders.
    • To encourage the faculty to enter research collaborations and linkages nationally and globally.

    Guidelines and Instructions

    • A research forum will be organized once in a month. Each department, especially post graduate departments, will showcase their respective research. The investigators, along with their students working under seed money grant, will present their ideas, findings and experiences. Research forum will also organize invited talks periodically on research methodology, IPRs and research orientation.
    • The appointments and promotions will be linked to research and academic activities and strictly in accordance with UGC/Government ordinances.
    • Members of the faculty should undertake research leading to quality publications capable of generation of Intellectual property rights with potential for commercialization and with social relevance.
    • Research activities of teachers, research fellows and students will be supported through the grants from central, state government agencies and college funds.(for detail see Seed Money Policy).Â
    • It will be ensured that research papers are published in UGC approved Journals preferably with Impact Factor. Faculty can explore the Scopus to find list of journals for their respective subjects.
    • Research should be promoted at Departmental level in collaboration with students. Departments should publish journals having research papers by faculty as well as students.
    • Research Award for Faculty and Students
    • In case of travel from project funds, for distance more than 500 KM air fare can be availed.
    • To attend seminar/conference/workshops duty leave applications, along with acceptance of letter/invitation letter, should be submitted to Research cell, IQAC one month prior to the seminar/conference/workshops. Certificate of participation must also be submitted to Research Cell, IQAC after attending the conference.
    • Workshops/interactions on research methodology should be organized to promote research.
    • Website for online journals should be actively used.
  • Seed Money Policy

    Kanya Maha Vidyalaya seeks to strengthen research and innovation activities in the college by motivating teachers and students who are not getting external funding. For this, it is desirable to have Seed money scheme. This will enable the faculty and students to engage in research work until sponsored projects from outside agencies are secured.


    • Faculty should be working fulltime with the college and should have at least M. Phil degree.
    • They have to sign an agreement that He/she will continue to work with the institution till the project is completed. In case the PI is leaving the institute, then he/she must deposit the granted seed money amount and assets created thereon to the office before leaving the institute.
    • The PI should not be availing another grant from external agency for the same project.
    • The PI should publish at least one research papers along with the names of co-investigators in UGC approved list of Journals.
    • Seed money will be provided for only one project/scheme to an individual.
    • The department of PI should have basic infrastructure to support research.

    Money Grant

    All the faculties including Social Sciences, Commerce, Languages, IT, Performing Arts and Sciences can avail seed money grant for research projects. One faculty member must choose two students as team members and proposal can be submitted to meet Recurring expenses, and/or Non-Recurring. Applications will be screened by expert committee in Dean Research office and short listed applicants will be asked to make presentations. Based on recommendations of expert committee seed money will be allocated up to Maximum Rs.30, 000 per project. One team can submit one project proposal only. Different documentation formats associated with project can be availed from Dean Research and can also be downloaded from college website. Selected Principal Investigators will have to submit progress report at the end of each semester. Duration of project will be of 1 year and extendable if required depending on progress made.
    The funds will be released in two parts. First part 50% to be released at the time of sanction and the second part will be given only after recommendations by the mid-term review by the expert committee.

    Non-Recurring Grants

    • Equipment (Minor equipment only)
    • Books and Journals

    The equipment as well as books & journals grants may be utilized to procure the essential equipment and books & journals needed for the proposed research work. The equipment and books & journals acquired by the Principal Investigator under a Project must be deposited to Institution after the completion of the project.

    Recurring Grant

    • Hiring Services
      This is meant for specialized technical work, such as sample analysis, for which the University/Institution either has no infrastructure or such services are available on payment basis.
    • Contingency
      The admissible contingency grant may be utilized on spares for apparatus, photo-stat copies and microfilms, typing, stationary, postage, internet, fax, computation and printing needed for the project. Expenditure towards the audit fee may also be claimed under contingency head.
    • Special Needs
      Assistance may be provided for any other special requirement in connection with the project which is not covered under any other ‘Head’ of assistance under the scheme.
    • Chemicals and Consumables
      To meet expenditure on chemicals, glassware and other consumable items
    • Travel and Field Work
      The amount allocated under the head travel/field work is to be utilized for data collection and collection of other information such as documents and visit to libraries within the general scope and sphere of the ongoing project. This should not be used for attending conferences, seminars, workshops and training courses etc. They may also avail special casual leave/duty leave for field work/collection of data as per rules. This grant is not meant for lodging in case of outstation visits.
  • Session 2019-20

    S. No Faculty Department Title Year of Sanction Amount
    1 Dr. Pardeep Arora and Mrs. Rajni Bansal & Team of Students Computer Sc. To Study the Impact of Social Media on Youth based on Machine Learning
    The Role of Media in Higher Education
    2019 Rs.30000
    2 Mr. Sehajpal Singh & Team of Students JMC The Role of Media in Higher Education 2019 Rs.20000
    3 Dr. Monika Rani & Dr. Natasha Sharma & Team of students Mathematics Solution of non-linear differential equations using non-perturbation methods 2019 Rs.30000
    4 Mrs. Rashmi Bindra & Mrs. Namita Kochhar & Team of students Commerce Social Networking Sites: A Comparative Study of Youth Belonging to Urban & Rural Area ( A study of Women Colleges in jalandhar City) 2019 Rs.22000
    5 Dr. Narinderjit Kaur & Dr. Manju Sahni and team of students Chemistry Effect Of Different Solvents On Reverse Micellar Extraction Of Dye From Textile Effluent 2019 Rs.130000

    Session 2020-21

    S. No Faculty Department Title Year of Sanction Amount
    1 Dr. Davinder Singh
    & Team of Students
    Physical Education Assessment of Aerobic Fitness, Abdominal Strength, Body Mass Index, Socio-Economic Status Eating Orders and Decision Making among the Students of Different Streams of Kanya Maha Vidyalaya, Jalandhar” 2020 30000
    2 Dr. Gurpreet Kaur Grewal & Mrs. Deepika Vashistha
    & Team of Students
    & Botany
    Studying the molecular basis of dysregulated glucose and cholesterol levels 2020 30000
    3 Dr. Nalini Singh Chauhan & Dr. Mandeep Kaur
    & Team of Students
    Zoology Bioefficacy of Plant based compounds in controlling the insect pest 2020 30000
    4 Dr. Archana saini
    Dr. Prabha
    & Team of Students
    Zoology Evaluation of Plastic Pollution in Fresh Water Ecosystems 2020 30000
    5 Dr. Surbhi Sharma
    Dr. Neetu Chopra
    & Team of Students
    Physics Structural, Optical and Thermal Studies Of Alkali Boro- Tellurite Glasses Doped With Rare Earth Element Matrix For Fiber Optics Application 2020 80000
  • Major Research Projects

    S. No. Name of the Faculty Funding agency Title of the Project Amount sanctioned
    1. Dr. Neetu Chopra &
    Dr. Manmohan Singh (Dept. of Physics)
    DST Rare Earth doped tellurite and borate glass nanocomposites for photonic applications 3254000


    2. Dr. Gopi Sharma
    Dept. of Physics
    UGC Optical and non linear optical properties of nanopatterned novel glasses 36,46,388/- Completed
    3. Dr. Gopi Sharma
    Dept. of Physics
    UGC Nanocrystaline phase of oxy flouride glasses as Scintillation material 18,24,000/-Completed
    4. Dr. Pardeep Arora
    Dept. of Computer Science
    UGC Rural Geographical Information System 11,46,800/- Completed
    5. Dr. Neeraj Maini
    Dept. Commerce
    UGC ‘Status of Women Investors in the Indian Capital Market: An Empirical Study’ 6,30,000/-
    6. Dr. Sonik Bhatia
    Dept. Physics
    UGC Nano structured molecular sensor based upon doped/ undoped ZnO films prepared by different techniques. 10,93,800/-
    7. Dr. Pardeep Arora
    Dept. Computer Science(Co-PI)
    UGC Data Mining and Analysis of Indian Origin academicians in foreign universities for exploring opportunities of academic interaction 60,61,265/-
    8. Dr. Sangeeta Prashar
    Dept. of Physics
    UGC Tailoring the conducting properties of SHI irradiated polyaniline metal halide composites Only Facility Available
    9. Dr Archana Saini
    Dept.of Botany
    UGC Multidimensional investigation on Aprostocetus purpureus, a resurgent parasitoid of Indian lac insect, Kerria lacca (Kerr) for devising lac crop management strategies INR 28, 43, 697/-
    10. Dr. Neetu Chopra
    Dept.of Physics
    UGC Rare earth doped tellurite and borate glass nanocomposites for photonic applications INR 32,54,020/-
    11. Dr. Jaswinder Kaur
    Dept. of Botany
    UGC Tissue Culture Studies in Stevia 4,90,600.00


    Dr. Gopi Sharma
    Dept. of Physics
    UGC Rare earth doped glass nanocrystal composites : Optical & physical Characterization 10,96,300/-


    12. Dr. Neeraj Maini
    Dept. of Commerce
    UGC ‘Status of Women Investors in The Indian Capital Market : An Empirical Study’ 6,30,000/-


    12. Dr. Sonik Bhatia

    Dept. of Physics

    UGC ‘Nano Structured Sensors by Different Techniques’ 11,00,000/-


    13. Sh. Ashish Arora DST Wave Propagation in Porous Media 2,94,000/-


    14. Dr. Gopi Sharma
    Dept. of Physics
    DST Nanocrystalline phase in oxy flouride glasses for scintillator application 18,24,100/-


    Minor Research Projects

    S. No. Name of the Faculty Funding agency Title of the Project Amount sanctioned
    1. Dr. Sangeeta Prashar
    Dept.of Physics
    UGC Tailoring the conducting properties of SHI irradiated polyanaline metal halide composites 3,oo,ooo/-


    2. Dr. Rupika Dept.of Hindi UGC Punjab ki Hindi patarkartia: Vividh aayam 1, 80,000/-


    3. Mrs. Mohini Sharda
    Dept. of English
    UGC Ben Jonson’s Theory and Practice of comedy – A Deconstructionist Perspective 25000-00


    4. Mrs. Seema Jyoti
    Dept. of Commerce
    UGC Performance evaluation of Non Banking Finance Companies 80,000-00


    5. Ms. Manan Sachdeva
    Dept. of Fine Arts
    UGC “B.C. Sanyal-Life and works” 35,000.00


    6. Ms. Neeraj Maini
    Dept. of Commerce
    UGC “Information needs of Investors” 40,000.00


    7. Mrs. Suman Khurana
    Dept. of Computer Sc.
    UGC “Internet use by college teachers” 40,000.00


    8. Mrs. Harpreet Kaur
    Dept. of Punjabi
    UGC Drama : Changing Scenario of Woman(Punjabi Natak-Istrai De Badlte Roop) 30,000.00


    9. Mrs. Amanpreet Khurana
    Dept. of Economics
    UGC VAT : Issues and Concerns A study in Punjab 35,000.00


    10. Mrs. Neelam Bala
    Dept. of Music
    UGC Sangeet aur Sanskriti ‘Mulyankan’ 1,00,000.00


    11. Mrs. Sabina Batra
    Dept. of Commerce
    UGC Dematerialisation in India A study of investors perceptions 45,000.00


    12. Mrs. Rituparna Datta Roy
    Dept. of English
    UGC Thomas Hardy’s Delineation of A ‘Feminist’ Woman : Sue Bridehead’ 30,000.00
    13. Mrs. Rashmi Sharma
    Dept. of Commerce
    UGC Business Process outsourcing :: Impact on Indian economy 25,000.00


    14. Dr. Monica Sharma
    Dept. of History
    UGC “Human Rights Violation in Leather Industry” 80,000-00


    15. Dr. (Mrs.)Vinod Kalra
    Dept. of Hindi
    UGC Bhartiya Uchh Adhian Sansthan Shimla Mein Amntrit Sahityakaro Ka Hindi Sahitya Ko Awdaan 55,000.00


    16. Dr. Jatinder Pal
    Dept. of Economics
    UGC Monetary Transmission Mechanism in India Evidence from Firm Level Data 60,000.00


    17. Sh.Sonik Bhatia
    Dept. of Physics
    UGC Characterization of undoped and doped Zinc oxide films prepared by different techniques 1,00,000.00


    18. Dr.(Mrs.) Neeraj Sharma
    Dept. of Sanskrit
    UGC ‘Abhiraj Rajendra Praneet Sanskrit Kathasahitya : Ek Samikashtmak Adhyayan’ 60,000.00


    19. Mrs. Neetu Chopra
    Dept. of Physics
    UGC ‘Gamma Irradiation Effect on Alkali Boarate Glasses for Shielding : and Reactor Applications : Structural Optical and Physical Analysis’ 1,90,000.00


    20. Mrs. Parminder Kaur
    Dept. of Physics
    UGC ‘Optical and Physical Characterization of Glass Ceramic Composities’ 1,00,000.00


  • Research Awards

    • In each year faculty will be given “Award of Excellence in Research” of Rs. 10000/- approximately. Research outcome will be evaluated as per latest CAS UGC guidelines. Only those research activities will be considered for award where the researcher has acknowledged KMV as their working institution. Senior and junior categories will be decided according to Nature of job of the applicant.
    • Awards will also be given separately/ award of Rs. 2000/- to UG and PG students under Faculty of Languages, Science, Social Science, IT and Performing Arts. Each faculty will short list the research activities of students and submit the same to the research committee.
    Name of the Faculty Department Category Year
    Dr. Manmohan Singh Physics Senior 2016-17
    Dr. Narinderjit Kaur Chemistry Junior 2016-17
    Mrs. Ashima Sahni Political Science Senior 2017-19
    Dr. Davinder Singh Physical Education Junior 2017-19
  • List of Co-Supervisor with Research Scholars

    Sr. No. Name of Co Supervisor Research scholar Title University Status
    1. Dr. Gopi Sharma Dr. Vandana Preparation of Transition Metal Based Borate Glasses and their optical and structural characterization Punjabi University Patiala Completed(2009)
    2. Dr. Gopi Sharma Dr. Neetu Chopra Effect of gamma irradiation on optical and structural properties of alkali borate glasses Punjab Technical University Jalandhar Completed (2013)
    3. Dr. Gopi Sharma Dr. Ruchika Bagga Rare Earth Doped Glasses and Glass Ceramics: Optical & Physical Characterization IK Gujral Punjab Technical University Jalandhar- Kapurthala Completed (2015)
    4. Dr. Sangeeta Prashar Ms. Soloni Sharma Microstructural analysis of radiation induced modifications in some polymers IK Gujral Punjab Technical University Jalandhar- Kapurthala Completed (2016)
    5. Dr. Gopi Sharma Ms. Nancy Nano Crystalline Phase of Oxyfluoride Glass as Scintillator Application IK Gujral Punjab Technical University Jalandhar- Kapurthala Completed (2017)
    6. Dr. Manmohan Singh Dr. Kulwinder Singh Investigation of gamma-ray shielding Behaviours of some LOW- Z Engineering Materials IK Gujral Punjab Technical University Jalandhar- Kapurthala Completed (2017)
    7. Dr. Archana Saini Ms. Nimneet Kaur Physicochemical & histopathological studies on fish & surface water of Doaba region & development of green technology for water purification. LPU University In Progress
    8. Dr. Manmohan Singh Ms. Kirandeep Kaur Measurement of air. soil and water pollution using radiation techniques. IK Gujral Punjab Technical University Jalandhar- Kapurthala Completed (2018)
    9. Dr. Monica Sharma Ms. Tashi Namgyal Impact of Tourism on the Economy, Society and Environment of Ladhak and the Challenges for their Sustainable Development Department of Gandhian and Peace Studies Panjab University, Chandigarh In progress
    10. Dr. Gopi Sharma Dr. Shivani Linear and non linear optical Properties of Nanoparticles Dispersed Novel Glasses Thapar Institute of Engineering & Technology: Patiala Completed (2020)
  • Ethics Policy

    Researchers must in all areas of their research demonstrate Honesty and integrity. All the research activities of faculty in each area should be of good quality adhering to highest standards of ethics. The college encourages publications in journals indexed in Scopus/Web of Science. Faculty/students/research fellows must submit the undertaking that research work has not been published/presented/communicated elsewhere and all the citations are acknowledged carefully to avoid the issues involved in plagiarism.

  • Central facilities


Research productivity is of paramount importance for the reputation of any educational institution. KMV has recommended to its Faculty a number of guidelines to ensure that the conduct of a research is of high quality and of ethical standards. KMV expects its faculty members and students to comply with set policies diligently.

Research Committee

1. Prof. (Dr.) Atima Sharma Dwivedi Principal KMV, Chairperson Girl in a jacket
2. Dr. Jatinder Pal Department of Economics (Dean Research) Girl in a jacket

A. Research Programme and Policy Development Responsibilities

  1. To develop comprehensive document on research policy
  2. To promote research among faculty and students
  3. To organize research promotion activities such as workshops, seminars and conferences

Committee Members:

1. Dr. Neetu Chopra Department of Physics (Incharge) Girl in a jacket
2. Dr. Gopi Sharma Department of Physics Girl in a jacket
3. Dr. Natasha Sharma Department of Mathematics Girl in a jacket
4. Mrs. Tank Sinderpal Kabal singh Department of Chemistry Girl in a jacket
5. Dr. Davinder Singh Department of Physical Education Girl in a jacket

B. Committee on Finance and Infrastructure


  1. To create a corpus for research and development from government, industry, and other funding agencies.
  2. To look into the possibilities of in-house funding.
  3. To setup Digital Library & Information, Quantitative Methods & Data Analysis, Analytical and Consultancy Services.

Committee Members:

1. Dr. Pardeep Arora Department of Computer Sci (Incharge) Girl in a jacket
2. Dr.Rashmi Sharma Department of Commerce Girl in a jacket
3. Dr. Harpreet Kaur Department of Faison Designing Girl in a jacket
4. Dr. Ashish Raina Department of Hospitality and Tourism Girl in a jacket
5. Mrs. Hema Khurana Library Girl in a jacket

C. Committee on Collaboration and Community

1. To develop connection with already well established RDC
2. To identify and develop collaborative research with other national and international institutions inter-disciplinary, trans-disciplinary, and multidisciplinary research.

Committee Members:

1. Dr. Archana Saini Department of Zoology (Incharge) Girl in a jacket
2. Dr. Narinderjit Kaur Department of Chemistry Girl in a jacket
3. Dr. Rupika Department of Hindi Girl in a jacket
4. Dr. Gopi Sharma Department of Physics Girl in a jacket
5. Dr. Pardeep Arora Department of Computer Sci. & IT Girl in a jacket

D. Committee for Product Development, Monitoring and Commercialization


  1. To assign various research activities to faculty and students
  2. To monitor and oversee research progress, coordinate program, manage and facilitate optimizing resources, timely review of research activities for completion of the projects as per schedule.
  3. To ensure that all the research labs in the institution fulfill the norms of Good Laboratory Practices (GLP) and Safety

Committee Members:

1. Dr. Ravi Khurana Department of Computer Sci. & IT (Incharge)
2. Dr. Narinderjit Kaur Department of Chemistry
3. Dr. Ekta Saini Department of Philosophy
4. Dr. Simerjeet Department of Fashion Designing
5. Mrs. Vibhuti Kalia Department of Textile Design & Apparel Technology


E. Committee for IPR, Legal & Ethical Matters


  1. To comply with ethical codes of research and publishing practices
  2. To procure and manage plagiarism check mechanism
  3. To sensitize the research community about dubious research, publishing practices and predatory journals.
  4. To sensitize and guide to the faculty and students to procure IPRs

Committee Members:

1. Dr. Harleen Singh Department of Physics (Incharge) Girl in a jacket
2. Dr. Rashmi Sharma Department of Commerce Girl in a jacket
3. Dr. Manmohan Singh Department of Physics Girl in a jacket
4. Dr. Natasha Sharma Department of Mathematics Girl in a jacket
4. Dr. Iqbal Singh Department of Political Science Girl in a jacket

Research Policy


  • To create an enabling environment within the KMV to foster a research culture.
  • To create, maintain and enhance infrastructure to enable conduct of state-of the-art research
  • To ensure adequate support to faculty, researchers and students in their research activities through internal and external funding.
  • To ensure publications in quality journals indexed in Scopus/Web of Science and/or with impact factor.
  • To encourage faculty to undertake interdisciplinary and socially useful research with potential for commercialization.
  • To establish Research Centres within the institutions and extend research consultancy to outsiders.
  • To encourage the faculty to enter research collaborations and linkages nationally and globally.

Guidelines and Instructions

  • A research forum will be organized once in a month. Each department, especially post graduate departments, will showcase their respective research. The investigators, along with their students working under seed money grant, will present their ideas, findings and experiences. Research forum will also organize invited talks periodically on research methodology, IPRs and research orientation.
  • The appointments and promotions will be linked to research and academic activities and strictly in accordance with UGC/Government ordinances.
  • Members of the faculty should undertake research leading to quality publications capable of generation of Intellectual property rights with potential for commercialization and with social relevance.
  • Research activities of teachers, research fellows and students will be supported through the grants from central, state government agencies and college funds.(for detail see Seed Money Policy).Â
  • It will be ensured that research papers are published in UGC approved Journals preferably with Impact Factor. Faculty can explore the Scopus to find list of journals for their respective subjects.
  • Research should be promoted at Departmental level in collaboration with students. Departments should publish journals having research papers by faculty as well as students.
  • Research Award for Faculty and Students
  • In case of travel from project funds, for distance more than 500 KM air fare can be availed.
  • To attend seminar/conference/workshops duty leave applications, along with acceptance of letter/invitation letter, should be submitted to Research cell, IQAC one month prior to the seminar/conference/workshops. Certificate of participation must also be submitted to Research Cell, IQAC after attending the conference.
  • Workshops/interactions on research methodology should be organized to promote research.
  • Website for online journals should be actively used.

Seed Money Policy

Kanya Maha Vidyalaya seeks to strengthen research and innovation activities in the college by motivating teachers and students who are not getting external funding. For this, it is desirable to have Seed money scheme. This will enable the faculty and students to engage in research work until sponsored projects from outside agencies are secured.


  • Faculty should be working fulltime with the college and should have at least M. Phil degree.
  • They have to sign an agreement that He/she will continue to work with the institution till the project is completed. In case the PI is leaving the institute, then he/she must deposit the granted seed money amount and assets created thereon to the office before leaving the institute.
  • The PI should not be availing another grant from external agency for the same project.
  • The PI should publish at least one research papers along with the names of co-investigators in UGC approved list of Journals.
  • Seed money will be provided for only one project/scheme to an individual.
  • The department of PI should have basic infrastructure to support research.

Money Grant

All the faculties including Social Sciences, Commerce, Languages, IT, Performing Arts and Sciences can avail seed money grant for research projects. One faculty member must choose two students as team members and proposal can be submitted to meet Recurring expenses, and/or Non-Recurring. Applications will be screened by expert committee in Dean Research office and short listed applicants will be asked to make presentations. Based on recommendations of expert committee seed money will be allocated up to Maximum Rs.30, 000 per project. One team can submit one project proposal only. Different documentation formats associated with project can be availed from Dean Research and can also be downloaded from college website. Selected Principal Investigators will have to submit progress report at the end of each semester. Duration of project will be of 1 year and extendable if required depending on progress made.
The funds will be released in two parts. First part 50% to be released at the time of sanction and the second part will be given only after recommendations by the mid-term review by the expert committee.

Non-Recurring Grants

  • Equipment (Minor equipment only)
  • Books and Journals

The equipment as well as books & journals grants may be utilized to procure the essential equipment and books & journals needed for the proposed research work. The equipment and books & journals acquired by the Principal Investigator under a Project must be deposited to Institution after the completion of the project.

Recurring Grant

  • Hiring Services
    This is meant for specialized technical work, such as sample analysis, for which the University/Institution either has no infrastructure or such services are available on payment basis.
  • Contingency
    The admissible contingency grant may be utilized on spares for apparatus, photo-stat copies and microfilms, typing, stationary, postage, internet, fax, computation and printing needed for the project. Expenditure towards the audit fee may also be claimed under contingency head.
  • Special Needs
    Assistance may be provided for any other special requirement in connection with the project which is not covered under any other ‘Head’ of assistance under the scheme.
  • Chemicals and Consumables
    To meet expenditure on chemicals, glassware and other consumable items
  • Travel and Field Work
    The amount allocated under the head travel/field work is to be utilized for data collection and collection of other information such as documents and visit to libraries within the general scope and sphere of the ongoing project. This should not be used for attending conferences, seminars, workshops and training courses etc. They may also avail special casual leave/duty leave for field work/collection of data as per rules. This grant is not meant for lodging in case of outstation visits.

Session 2019-20

S. No Faculty Department Title Year of Sanction Amount
1 Dr. Pardeep Arora and Mrs. Rajni Bansal & Team of Students Computer Sc. To Study the Impact of Social Media on Youth based on Machine Learning
The Role of Media in Higher Education
2019 Rs.30000
2 Mr. Sehajpal Singh & Team of Students JMC The Role of Media in Higher Education 2019 Rs.20000
3 Dr. Monika Rani & Dr. Natasha Sharma & Team of students Mathematics Solution of non-linear differential equations using non-perturbation methods 2019 Rs.30000
4 Mrs. Rashmi Bindra & Mrs. Namita Kochhar & Team of students Commerce Social Networking Sites: A Comparative Study of Youth Belonging to Urban & Rural Area ( A study of Women Colleges in jalandhar City) 2019 Rs.22000
5 Dr. Narinderjit Kaur & Dr. Manju Sahni and team of students Chemistry Effect Of Different Solvents On Reverse Micellar Extraction Of Dye From Textile Effluent 2019 Rs.130000

Session 2020-21

S. No Faculty Department Title Year of Sanction Amount
1 Dr. Davinder Singh
& Team of Students
Physical Education Assessment of Aerobic Fitness, Abdominal Strength, Body Mass Index, Socio-Economic Status Eating Orders and Decision Making among the Students of Different Streams of Kanya Maha Vidyalaya, Jalandhar” 2020 30000
2 Dr. Gurpreet Kaur Grewal & Mrs. Deepika Vashistha
& Team of Students
& Botany
Studying the molecular basis of dysregulated glucose and cholesterol levels 2020 30000
3 Dr. Nalini Singh Chauhan & Dr. Mandeep Kaur
& Team of Students
Zoology Bioefficacy of Plant based compounds in controlling the insect pest 2020 30000
4 Dr. Archana saini
Dr. Prabha
& Team of Students
Zoology Evaluation of Plastic Pollution in Fresh Water Ecosystems 2020 30000
5 Dr. Surbhi Sharma
Dr. Neetu Chopra
& Team of Students
Physics Structural, Optical and Thermal Studies Of Alkali Boro- Tellurite Glasses Doped With Rare Earth Element Matrix For Fiber Optics Application 2020 80000

Major Research Projects

S. No. Name of the Faculty Funding agency Title of the Project Amount sanctioned
1. Dr. Neetu Chopra &
Dr. Manmohan Singh (Dept. of Physics)
DST Rare Earth doped tellurite and borate glass nanocomposites for photonic applications 3254000


2. Dr. Gopi Sharma
Dept. of Physics
UGC Optical and non linear optical properties of nanopatterned novel glasses 36,46,388/- Completed
3. Dr. Gopi Sharma
Dept. of Physics
UGC Nanocrystaline phase of oxy flouride glasses as Scintillation material 18,24,000/-Completed
4. Dr. Pardeep Arora
Dept. of Computer Science
UGC Rural Geographical Information System 11,46,800/- Completed
5. Dr. Neeraj Maini
Dept. Commerce
UGC ‘Status of Women Investors in the Indian Capital Market: An Empirical Study’ 6,30,000/-
6. Dr. Sonik Bhatia
Dept. Physics
UGC Nano structured molecular sensor based upon doped/ undoped ZnO films prepared by different techniques. 10,93,800/-
7. Dr. Pardeep Arora
Dept. Computer Science(Co-PI)
UGC Data Mining and Analysis of Indian Origin academicians in foreign universities for exploring opportunities of academic interaction 60,61,265/-
8. Dr. Sangeeta Prashar
Dept. of Physics
UGC Tailoring the conducting properties of SHI irradiated polyaniline metal halide composites Only Facility Available
9. Dr Archana Saini
Dept.of Botany
UGC Multidimensional investigation on Aprostocetus purpureus, a resurgent parasitoid of Indian lac insect, Kerria lacca (Kerr) for devising lac crop management strategies INR 28, 43, 697/-
10. Dr. Neetu Chopra
Dept.of Physics
UGC Rare earth doped tellurite and borate glass nanocomposites for photonic applications INR 32,54,020/-
11. Dr. Jaswinder Kaur
Dept. of Botany
UGC Tissue Culture Studies in Stevia 4,90,600.00


Dr. Gopi Sharma
Dept. of Physics
UGC Rare earth doped glass nanocrystal composites : Optical & physical Characterization 10,96,300/-


12. Dr. Neeraj Maini
Dept. of Commerce
UGC ‘Status of Women Investors in The Indian Capital Market : An Empirical Study’ 6,30,000/-


12. Dr. Sonik Bhatia

Dept. of Physics

UGC ‘Nano Structured Sensors by Different Techniques’ 11,00,000/-


13. Sh. Ashish Arora DST Wave Propagation in Porous Media 2,94,000/-


14. Dr. Gopi Sharma
Dept. of Physics
DST Nanocrystalline phase in oxy flouride glasses for scintillator application 18,24,100/-


Minor Research Projects

S. No. Name of the Faculty Funding agency Title of the Project Amount sanctioned
1. Dr. Sangeeta Prashar
Dept.of Physics
UGC Tailoring the conducting properties of SHI irradiated polyanaline metal halide composites 3,oo,ooo/-


2. Dr. Rupika Dept.of Hindi UGC Punjab ki Hindi patarkartia: Vividh aayam 1, 80,000/-


3. Mrs. Mohini Sharda
Dept. of English
UGC Ben Jonson’s Theory and Practice of comedy – A Deconstructionist Perspective 25000-00


4. Mrs. Seema Jyoti
Dept. of Commerce
UGC Performance evaluation of Non Banking Finance Companies 80,000-00


5. Ms. Manan Sachdeva
Dept. of Fine Arts
UGC “B.C. Sanyal-Life and works” 35,000.00


6. Ms. Neeraj Maini
Dept. of Commerce
UGC “Information needs of Investors” 40,000.00


7. Mrs. Suman Khurana
Dept. of Computer Sc.
UGC “Internet use by college teachers” 40,000.00


8. Mrs. Harpreet Kaur
Dept. of Punjabi
UGC Drama : Changing Scenario of Woman(Punjabi Natak-Istrai De Badlte Roop) 30,000.00


9. Mrs. Amanpreet Khurana
Dept. of Economics
UGC VAT : Issues and Concerns A study in Punjab 35,000.00


10. Mrs. Neelam Bala
Dept. of Music
UGC Sangeet aur Sanskriti ‘Mulyankan’ 1,00,000.00


11. Mrs. Sabina Batra
Dept. of Commerce
UGC Dematerialisation in India A study of investors perceptions 45,000.00


12. Mrs. Rituparna Datta Roy
Dept. of English
UGC Thomas Hardy’s Delineation of A ‘Feminist’ Woman : Sue Bridehead’ 30,000.00
13. Mrs. Rashmi Sharma
Dept. of Commerce
UGC Business Process outsourcing :: Impact on Indian economy 25,000.00


14. Dr. Monica Sharma
Dept. of History
UGC “Human Rights Violation in Leather Industry” 80,000-00


15. Dr. (Mrs.)Vinod Kalra
Dept. of Hindi
UGC Bhartiya Uchh Adhian Sansthan Shimla Mein Amntrit Sahityakaro Ka Hindi Sahitya Ko Awdaan 55,000.00


16. Dr. Jatinder Pal
Dept. of Economics
UGC Monetary Transmission Mechanism in India Evidence from Firm Level Data 60,000.00


17. Sh.Sonik Bhatia
Dept. of Physics
UGC Characterization of undoped and doped Zinc oxide films prepared by different techniques 1,00,000.00


18. Dr.(Mrs.) Neeraj Sharma
Dept. of Sanskrit
UGC ‘Abhiraj Rajendra Praneet Sanskrit Kathasahitya : Ek Samikashtmak Adhyayan’ 60,000.00


19. Mrs. Neetu Chopra
Dept. of Physics
UGC ‘Gamma Irradiation Effect on Alkali Boarate Glasses for Shielding : and Reactor Applications : Structural Optical and Physical Analysis’ 1,90,000.00


20. Mrs. Parminder Kaur
Dept. of Physics
UGC ‘Optical and Physical Characterization of Glass Ceramic Composities’ 1,00,000.00


Research Awards

  • In each year faculty will be given “Award of Excellence in Research” of Rs. 10000/- approximately. Research outcome will be evaluated as per latest CAS UGC guidelines. Only those research activities will be considered for award where the researcher has acknowledged KMV as their working institution. Senior and junior categories will be decided according to Nature of job of the applicant.
  • Awards will also be given separately/ award of Rs. 2000/- to UG and PG students under Faculty of Languages, Science, Social Science, IT and Performing Arts. Each faculty will short list the research activities of students and submit the same to the research committee.
Name of the Faculty Department Category Year
Dr. Manmohan Singh Physics Senior 2016-17
Dr. Narinderjit Kaur Chemistry Junior 2016-17
Mrs. Ashima Sahni Political Science Senior 2017-19
Dr. Davinder Singh Physical Education Junior 2017-19

List of Co-Supervisor with Research Scholars

Sr. No. Name of Co Supervisor Research scholar Title University Status
1. Dr. Gopi Sharma Dr. Vandana Preparation of Transition Metal Based Borate Glasses and their optical and structural characterization Punjabi University Patiala Completed(2009)
2. Dr. Gopi Sharma Dr. Neetu Chopra Effect of gamma irradiation on optical and structural properties of alkali borate glasses Punjab Technical University Jalandhar Completed (2013)
3. Dr. Gopi Sharma Dr. Ruchika Bagga Rare Earth Doped Glasses and Glass Ceramics: Optical & Physical Characterization IK Gujral Punjab Technical University Jalandhar- Kapurthala Completed (2015)
4. Dr. Sangeeta Prashar Ms. Soloni Sharma Microstructural analysis of radiation induced modifications in some polymers IK Gujral Punjab Technical University Jalandhar- Kapurthala Completed (2016)
5. Dr. Gopi Sharma Ms. Nancy Nano Crystalline Phase of Oxyfluoride Glass as Scintillator Application IK Gujral Punjab Technical University Jalandhar- Kapurthala Completed (2017)
6. Dr. Manmohan Singh Dr. Kulwinder Singh Investigation of gamma-ray shielding Behaviours of some LOW- Z Engineering Materials IK Gujral Punjab Technical University Jalandhar- Kapurthala Completed (2017)
7. Dr. Archana Saini Ms. Nimneet Kaur Physicochemical & histopathological studies on fish & surface water of Doaba region & development of green technology for water purification. LPU University In Progress
8. Dr. Manmohan Singh Ms. Kirandeep Kaur Measurement of air. soil and water pollution using radiation techniques. IK Gujral Punjab Technical University Jalandhar- Kapurthala Completed (2018)
9. Dr. Monica Sharma Ms. Tashi Namgyal Impact of Tourism on the Economy, Society and Environment of Ladhak and the Challenges for their Sustainable Development Department of Gandhian and Peace Studies Panjab University, Chandigarh In progress
10. Dr. Gopi Sharma Dr. Shivani Linear and non linear optical Properties of Nanoparticles Dispersed Novel Glasses Thapar Institute of Engineering & Technology: Patiala Completed (2020)

Ethics Policy

Researchers must in all areas of their research demonstrate Honesty and integrity. All the research activities of faculty in each area should be of good quality adhering to highest standards of ethics. The college encourages publications in journals indexed in Scopus/Web of Science. Faculty/students/research fellows must submit the undertaking that research work has not been published/presented/communicated elsewhere and all the citations are acknowledged carefully to avoid the issues involved in plagiarism.

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