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  • Only College under GNDU to be bestowed with FIST & CURIE grant by DST- Govt. of India
  • Star College by DBT- Govt. of India
  • Designated College with Potential for Excellence
  • Accredited ‘A’ by UGC-NAAC
  • Recognised as a Center of Excellence by RASCI, Government of India
  • Best College in Punjab as per the Surveys
  • Kaushal Kendra by UGC, MHRD, Govt. of India and first College under GNDU to have been granted Kaushal Kendra
KMV’s Annual Athletic Meet Trailblazer-2025 is going to be held on 08-02-2025 (Saturday)      
Coming Soon Stay Tuned- KMV I.T. Euphoria( Inter college Competition)      
BBA/BCA Approved Under AICTE      
KMVites secure International Placement in USA      
KMVites will represent India in World Youth Festival in Russia       KMV ranked among top colleges of India for 4th time in a row       Achieved Top Rankings for Consecutive Fourth Time       KMV Students and Faculty Awarded Hungarian State Scholarships       Top Rankings of KMV by India Today Surveys

Major Initiatives

  • Water Conservation Initiatives

    KMV students take many steps for water conservation. Awareness camps, rallies, seminars, workshops, lectures and other initiatives for water conservation are a regular feature at KMV. We have rainwater harvesting system at KMV.

    KMV organises slogan writing & poster making competition on water conversation to highlight the importance of conserving water. In order to spread the message of water conservation, students go to various classrooms and also address fellow students and organise many water conservation campaigns.

  • Environment Conservation Initiatives

    KMV has been involved in many worthwhile activities like tree plantation drives, maintenance of green belts and drives against the use of polythene bags.

    We often organise many programs and rallies et al to conserve environment. In 2009, our Saplings of Life Club was inaugurated by Mrs. Harsimrat Kaur Badal , Union Cabinet Minister. We conduct many meaningful awareness activities in collaboration with NGOs, Government agencies , clubs and societies. We have adopted parks, roundabouts and other areas of the city with a commitment to keep them green, clean and beautiful.

  • Waste Management Drives and Programs

    In collaboration with Civil Administration, we have taken up projects for garbage management Awareness among Jalandhar Citizens.

    KMV has made colossal contribution in sensitizing citizens about the dire consequences of usage of plastic and its disposal in a reckless manner. Regular campaigns have played a pivotal role in bringing awareness in the citizens. Our involvement in Swachh Bharat Abhiyan has been appreciated by the Civil Administration.

    KMV has been declared No Plastic Zone. Students are encouraged to use substitutes for Plastics in order to beat plastic pollution.

  • Social Initiatives

    KMV’s Gandhian Studies Centre was inaugurated by Late Ms. Sheila Dikshit, former Chief Minister of Delhi in 2009. The Centre is running a Women Empowerment Cell for economically weaker sections of society. Till date the Centre has empowered more than 3500 girls with many success stories to its credit. We have also adopted 5 villages where we carry social work throughout the year. The philanthropic institution that KMV is, we have also adopted some schools in the city which have students from the unprivileged section of the society. Our faculty and students not only go to teach these children but we also make endeavours to uplift the infrastructure. We have prepared a library at Gandhi Vanita Ashram and are committed to extend a helping hand to the lesser privileged people.

    KMV Empathy Corner set-up outside the college entrance has stock of clothes, blankets, shoes, toys etc. donated by KMVites. These essential items can be picked up by the needy & unprivileged. The main objective is to create a sense of empathy among the students for the deprived people, through donation. All the departments of college take turns to maintain the Empathy Corner.

    Blood Donation Camps are regularly organised by KMV Red Ribbon Club & Red Cross Society

    A Rally for Drug Free Punjab was organized by KMV in Collaboration with Jalandhar Administration

    KMV has given 60 taps to the school in village Karari and has replaced leaking taps. We have taken many measures for the prosperity of the five villages adopted by us under Unnat Bharat Abhiyan Goverment of India.

    We strive to Sensitize the Society towards Environment & Social Issues with Noble Mission of making the City Clean, Green & Serene.

Water Conservation Initiatives

KMV students take many steps for water conservation. Awareness camps, rallies, seminars, workshops, lectures and other initiatives for water conservation are a regular feature at KMV. We have rainwater harvesting system at KMV.

KMV organises slogan writing & poster making competition on water conversation to highlight the importance of conserving water. In order to spread the message of water conservation, students go to various classrooms and also address fellow students and organise many water conservation campaigns.

Environment Conservation Initiatives

KMV has been involved in many worthwhile activities like tree plantation drives, maintenance of green belts and drives against the use of polythene bags.

We often organise many programs and rallies et al to conserve environment. In 2009, our Saplings of Life Club was inaugurated by Mrs. Harsimrat Kaur Badal , Union Cabinet Minister. We conduct many meaningful awareness activities in collaboration with NGOs, Government agencies , clubs and societies. We have adopted parks, roundabouts and other areas of the city with a commitment to keep them green, clean and beautiful.

Waste Management Drives and Programs

In collaboration with Civil Administration, we have taken up projects for garbage management Awareness among Jalandhar Citizens.

KMV has made colossal contribution in sensitizing citizens about the dire consequences of usage of plastic and its disposal in a reckless manner. Regular campaigns have played a pivotal role in bringing awareness in the citizens. Our involvement in Swachh Bharat Abhiyan has been appreciated by the Civil Administration.

KMV has been declared No Plastic Zone. Students are encouraged to use substitutes for Plastics in order to beat plastic pollution.

Social Initiatives

KMV’s Gandhian Studies Centre was inaugurated by Late Ms. Sheila Dikshit, former Chief Minister of Delhi in 2009. The Centre is running a Women Empowerment Cell for economically weaker sections of society. Till date the Centre has empowered more than 3500 girls with many success stories to its credit. We have also adopted 5 villages where we carry social work throughout the year. The philanthropic institution that KMV is, we have also adopted some schools in the city which have students from the unprivileged section of the society. Our faculty and students not only go to teach these children but we also make endeavours to uplift the infrastructure. We have prepared a library at Gandhi Vanita Ashram and are committed to extend a helping hand to the lesser privileged people.

KMV Empathy Corner set-up outside the college entrance has stock of clothes, blankets, shoes, toys etc. donated by KMVites. These essential items can be picked up by the needy & unprivileged. The main objective is to create a sense of empathy among the students for the deprived people, through donation. All the departments of college take turns to maintain the Empathy Corner.

Blood Donation Camps are regularly organised by KMV Red Ribbon Club & Red Cross Society

A Rally for Drug Free Punjab was organized by KMV in Collaboration with Jalandhar Administration

KMV has given 60 taps to the school in village Karari and has replaced leaking taps. We have taken many measures for the prosperity of the five villages adopted by us under Unnat Bharat Abhiyan Goverment of India.

We strive to Sensitize the Society towards Environment & Social Issues with Noble Mission of making the City Clean, Green & Serene.

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